Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The target audience for my media product are mainly aimed at male and females aged around 16-25 as my magazine ranges between classic rock and modern rock. Although my magazines aims more towards males, females can also find my magazine appealing. I have chosen for my target audience to range from 16-25 because the classic rock genre can also be read by younger teens who have an interest in this genre.To do this, I have made the magazine have a modern twist on classic rock. It has a style that will be appropiate for a social group who likes to combine classic rock with modern day rock My social group will  have a high interest in music and will also have classic rock idols which they would want to read about. They enjoy playing instruments, attending gigs, wearing punk/rock fashion and will not care much for music gossip so I have made the content appeal to my social group by having gig updates, concert reviews and recent updates in the rock genre. My front cover image connotes my social group because the model is holding an electric guitar which represents the image of my social group that my magazine targets.My double page spread is based on a rock legend who has a big influence in rock music today. This represents the sort of social group that would purchase and enjoy my media product.

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Name: Ashleigh Duncan

Age: 21

Education: At university studying dance and teaching
Favourite Music Genre: Rock

Favourite Artists/Bands: My Chemical Romance, AD/DC, Queen and Areomith

Interests: Partying, attending gigs, dancing, appearance and being individual.

Favourite Music Magazine: MOJO, Kerrang!,UNCUT and CLASSIC ROCK

Ashleigh lives in student accomodation in Preston where she studies Dance Performing and Teaching. She buys MOJO monthly and attends many gigs in Manchester- her lastest being My Chemical Romance. She likes to wear different colours in her hair and makeup to make herself look different.

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Before producing my music magazine I conducted audience research in order to produce my magazine. To do this I produced a questionaire for my target audience. I found out that when producing a music magazine, the colour scheme is very important because the colours need to to stand out and connote the genre. I found out that my target audiences favourite colour was black and red so i used these colors in my product in order to attract my readers to my magazine. I also found out, that to attract my readers, my target audience would want a male holding a music instrument for the main image on my front cover. I then used a male holding a gutair conveying an attitude that rock stars use whilst holding an electric gutair. My positioning statement attracts my readers as its engagaing and connotes my magazine genre and masthead.Using this questionaire, i was able to decide on important things that need to feature in my magazine. For example, the price of my magazine, artists that will feature in my magazine and the frequecny of publication. I made my article engaging so my audience would be relaxed when reading, i used simple lexis for my target audience understand and enjoy. My content in my magazine had to be interesting and appeal to my target audience. That is why I used content such as unsigned bands and ultimate gig guide My content had to be chatty and entertaining to address my audience so the reader would not become bored.

Evaluation Question 6: What have your learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the production of my music magazine, I used two programs which helped me make my magazine look professional. Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXPress allowed me to use tools in order to make my magazine correctly according to my plans. Although I had used Adobe Photoshop before, I learnt how to use more advanced tools in order to show creativity. Adobe Photoshop allowed me to create my front cover and to include the minor details that existing music magazines have. Effects helped my front cover look more professional in its appearance for e.g. for my masthead I used a drop shadow in order for it to stand out and look unique. QuarkXPress was the harder program to use as its tools were not as accessible compared to Adobe Photoshop. Using Quark helped me see clearly how well structured my contents page needed to be in order for it to look neat. For e.g. the guides that I used helped my contents page to be equal and consistent. Although the soft was hard to understand, I grasped the techniques immediately as the tools were easy to use. Using a camera added to my creativity as I used this throughout my production stages. I learnt different ways to use the camera and learnt what angles shots would be appropriate for my music genre. I took picures and edited them of a website called to make my images connote my genre etc. The website helped me decide what effect would look best on my images for e.g. I changed my front cover image to black and white to connote classic rock.

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Questionaire For Audience Feedback

1.       Does the magazine appeal to you as a reader?

2.       Does the colour scheme of my magazine reflect the magazine genre?

3.       Why are you satisfied with the amount of content in the magazine?

4.       Why do you feel that the price of the magazine is reasonable?

5.       How does the main image on the front cover reflect the magazine genre?

6.       Is the layout of the contents easy to read?

7.       If you seen this product in a supermarket or local news agents, would you consider purchasing?

8.     In what way is the article easy to read and understand?

9.       How would you be interested in reading my double page spread article just from seeing the title of it?

10.   How well do you think the colour scheme works throughout the magazine?

11.   How are all the images in the magazine reflecting the music genre?

12.   As a whole, how does the magazine grab your attention?

13.   How do you think the fonts and styles used are appropriate for the magazine and its genre?

An audio clip of a member of my target audience talking about my final media product: