Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Questionaire For Audience Feedback

1.       Does the magazine appeal to you as a reader?

2.       Does the colour scheme of my magazine reflect the magazine genre?

3.       Why are you satisfied with the amount of content in the magazine?

4.       Why do you feel that the price of the magazine is reasonable?

5.       How does the main image on the front cover reflect the magazine genre?

6.       Is the layout of the contents easy to read?

7.       If you seen this product in a supermarket or local news agents, would you consider purchasing?

8.     In what way is the article easy to read and understand?

9.       How would you be interested in reading my double page spread article just from seeing the title of it?

10.   How well do you think the colour scheme works throughout the magazine?

11.   How are all the images in the magazine reflecting the music genre?

12.   As a whole, how does the magazine grab your attention?

13.   How do you think the fonts and styles used are appropriate for the magazine and its genre?

An audio clip of a member of my target audience talking about my final media product:

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