Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Before producing my music magazine I conducted audience research in order to produce my magazine. To do this I produced a questionaire for my target audience. I found out that when producing a music magazine, the colour scheme is very important because the colours need to to stand out and connote the genre. I found out that my target audiences favourite colour was black and red so i used these colors in my product in order to attract my readers to my magazine. I also found out, that to attract my readers, my target audience would want a male holding a music instrument for the main image on my front cover. I then used a male holding a gutair conveying an attitude that rock stars use whilst holding an electric gutair. My positioning statement attracts my readers as its engagaing and connotes my magazine genre and masthead.Using this questionaire, i was able to decide on important things that need to feature in my magazine. For example, the price of my magazine, artists that will feature in my magazine and the frequecny of publication. I made my article engaging so my audience would be relaxed when reading, i used simple lexis for my target audience understand and enjoy. My content in my magazine had to be interesting and appeal to my target audience. That is why I used content such as unsigned bands and ultimate gig guide My content had to be chatty and entertaining to address my audience so the reader would not become bored.

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